Re: adjunct

Brad Powell (Brad.Powell@EBay.Sun.COM)
Mon, 24 Oct 94 11:43:11 PDT

>From  Thu Oct 20 21:20:05 1994
>Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 00:02:18 -0400
>From: (*Hobbit*)
>Question about this stupidity:
>   AUpwdauthd:##nobody:65533:65533::/:/bin/false
>Why did Sun do this?  Back whenever, the adjunct mechanism worked just
>fine without having to have AUxxx entries in the files.  What's the point?
>It really hosed me the day I went to "clean up" a 4.1.3 box and didn't
>yet know that these were necessary.

It was a compatibility issue. See the README for the patch 100564-(07)
Since it was a "Jumbo" patch, and we didn't want one patch to be in
conflict with another (C2 origional and BSM)
* The following pseudo-users must be added to /etc/passwd and             *
* /etc/security/passwd.adjunct before changing any binaries               *
* This is so the auditing of the rpc.pwdauthd and rpc.yppasswd can occur  *
* These additions do not need to be done on NIS client machines since
* they will pick these changes up from the NIS master.
*                                                                         *
* /etc/passwd additions:                                                  *
AUyppasswdd:##AUyppasswdd:11:10:::/bin/false                              *
*/etc/security/passwd.adjunct additions:                                  *
AUpwdauthd:*:::::                                                         *
AUyppasswdd:*:::::                                                        *